
Some projects of mine - all code can be found on my GitHub

Aesthete's Digest

Aesthete's Digest

Media blog with an emphasis on aesthetics. Stylish and sleek responsive designs with framer motion animations and features like light/dark mode and post filtering.

Lion Capital Website

Lion Capital Website

Home page for Lion Capital, and an NFT Minting page. Simple, responsive pages for a creative project with comprehensive information and functionality for interested users.

Lemono Website

Lemono Website

Website for Lemono, a cryptocurrency project. This site is a responsive SPA built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

FAMCO Website

FAMCO Website

This website was made for FAMCO, a sustainable bitcoin mining company. This site is a responsive SPA built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

AI Assisted Mobile Store Screen

AI Assisted Mobile Store Screen

Mobile AI Marketplace page made with the assistance of Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and Figma. This project is a proof of concept for AI-assisted development, from design to implementation.

Luna Sky NFT Marketplace

Luna Sky NFT Marketplace

This is a large-scale NFT marketplace project that is currently in Beta. I was assigned to designing and implementing a schema, which included relationships like social interactions, account management, and Web3 metrics. I also integrated user profile APIs using GraphQL and Apollo.

Daylight Apollo

Daylight Apollo

I made this landing page for Daylight Farms (a crytpocurrency project) for Dappd, a Web3 SaaS company I work closely with as an independent contractor. This responsive site was over several iterations as Daylight's designers found the best design for their project.

OPTX Website

OPTX Website

I made this website for OPTX (a crytpocurrency project) as a contract for Dappd, a Web3 SaaS company. This responsive site was built from scratch from a Figma design using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

Full Stack Marketplace

Full Stack Marketplace

Built with Python Flask, this full stack marketplace project utilizes AWS for the backend storing info related to users and products. Users can register / log in, add and remove products from cart, search, and checkout.

Three.js Interactive Walkthrough

Three.js Interactive Walkthrough

JavaScript application using the WebGL library Three.js demonstrating 3D scenes, cameras, lights, and advanced materials. This demo includes starter code to get started with Three.js.

Old Portfolio Site with Vue.js

Old Portfolio Site with Vue.js

Made in March 2022, this site was made with Vue.js. The Deployment, Hosting, and CI/CD is done with Netlify. This site has been replaced as a personal portfolio with the current site.

Quiz Web App

Quiz Web App

This quiz application of miscellaneous animal trivia questions is an interactive, responsive app. This app was made with vanilla javascript, html, and css. Note: GitHub Pages version available